Good Molecules Skincare Review
The Prelude
I’ve been wanting to do this review for awhile, but I’ve learned with skincare reviews you must be patient. For those that aren’t connected with me on Instagram, I decided to do this review because Good Molecules was kind enough to establish a partnership with me and send me free products to try out. They sent me this moisturizer that I’m about to give you all of the details on, as well as a discoloration correcting serum, a niacinamide brightening toner, and a overnight exfoliation treatment (I’ve created a list for all of the Good Molecules products mentioned in this article so you can view them all in one place. I’ve also added my Good Molecules wish list to the link as well so you can see future products that I plan to try and review. Finally, this curated list helps support my blog so if you want to try any of these products, please consider purchasing them using the links on my list. I would appreciate it so much!). Before I begin this review, I want to let you know that I’m not earning any commission from Goodmolecules for reviewing these products nor did they pressure me into doing this review. As stated before, they were kind enough to establish a partnership with me, so I figured it would make a great content piece for my personal blog series. Now that we’ve addressed that let’s get into the review (I can’t wait any longer!).
Good Molecules Skincare Review
Before Receiving My Box…
Before receiving my box, I briefly chatted with Good Molecules and gave them some background on my skin so they could curate this box for me and address my skincare needs. I have really sensitive skin so this means that I bruise easily and constantly need products that work to clear blemishes. On top of that, sometimes my skin can get a bit oily and lately it has been really dry as well (my water intake has decreased tremendously so that could be the issue). I’m not a skincare fanatic so I’m not really sure what skin type I have (I’m guessing somewhere in between oily and combination skin), but I think that Good Molecules did a great job recommending products based off of the information that I provided. Once they got information on my skin and shipping details, they gave me a timeline on when I could expect my package (it came pretty quickly too!).
When my package arrived I was completely blown away by the design. Prior to this encounter with them I have never seen nor used their brand before which means that I’ve never seen their packaging. As a wardrobe stylist I’m obsessed with aesthetics so I was 50% sold on their products before I even used them. When I finally opened the box things got even better! Everything was neatly wrapped in fuchsia pink wrapping paper, they had two cards for me (one was from the co-founder and the other was explaining their ingredients and how they make their products), and the products looked like they produced results! Much like the box, each individual product had nice packaging and I really love how the ingredients were listed on each product box. In addition to that, on each box they walked me through how to use each product, they suggested how often to use each product, and they even gave suggestions for day/night time use. Overall, I was pleased with the presentation and began using my products ASAP!
The First Few Weeks…
Remember when I told you that I wasn’t a skincare fanatic? Yeah well…I completely messed things up within the first few weeks. Instead of easing myself into these new set of products, I dumped my old skincare routine and rushed into this one head first (bad idea!). As a result, my skin started breaking out gradually week after week (I was averaging at least one pimple a week and that almost never happens to me!). I didn’t want to believe that it was the Good Molecules products, but my skin was doing so well before I started using them so ultimately I blamed them. After two months or so I stopped using their products and came to the conclusion that Korean skincare brands just aren’t for me.
I Gave It Another Try…
As you probably guessed I went back to my old skincare routine for awhile and one day I locked eyes with the Good Molecules box. I wondered what I was going to do with the products that I had left (I didn’t want to waste them after all). So I went online and started looking at reviews. I wanted to see if people experienced the same thing that I experienced or if I was just one in a million unlucky users. To my surprise, a lot of people have broke out using the product and didn’t see any notable results (just like me). However, I didn’t want to give up on the brand yet (after all it did soften and hydrate my skin). So a few weeks later I decided to give it another try, but this time I would use one product at a time and introduce the others in increments (you know…the way you’re supposed to do it).
The Moisturizer…
Since I’ve been having issues with dry skin lately I decided to use the moisturizer first. When I used it in the past, it made my skin look and feel amazing so I thought it would be ideal to try first. I’ve been using just the moisturizer for about a month now and I can honestly say that I haven’t experienced any crazy breakouts like I did before and it has me feeling super pretty in my natural skin. In fact, I’ve been taking more bare faced trips outside of the house and it’s all thanks to the glow that this moisturizer has been giving me. My water intake still isn’t where I need to it to be (I’m working on it), but if you took a look at my natural skin then you would think that I drink water all day (that’s the type of glow that this product has been producing!). The moisturizer comes in a tiny bottle but there’s a lot of product in it. I’ve been using it for months now and I still haven’t reached the end (I use about 5-6 pumps every time). Goodmolecules says that it’s safe to use the moisturizer everyday, but since my skin can get pretty oily I only use it three times per week (I used it everyday in the beginning and I figured that may have contributed to my breakouts so I switched things up this time around).
Sidenote: I was sent the Priming Silicone Moisturizer, but it seems as if they have discontinued that moisturizer and replaced it with the lightweight daily moisturizer. The lightweight daily moisturizer is made with the same ingredients the only difference is that they replaced the silicone with a naturally derived silicone alternative and changed the product design to a tube.
The Overnight Exfoliation Treatment…
Now that I’ve gotten the moisturizing down.. I added in the exfoliation treatment. The reason why I decided to test this product next is because it doesn’t require a lot of commitment (Good Molecules recommends using it once or twice a week). Plus, I really wanted to start exfoliating the dead skin from previous blemishes. I’ve been using it for a few months and it has done a great job of exfoliating the dead skin off of my face. In fact, I’ve used exfoliation products before and they made my skin shed aggressively and left my face looking white and dry. This one on the other hand is way gentler and I get to maintain my natural skin color. I will say that this product does burn a little bit (I’ve been using it for months now and I still haven’t gotten used to the burn), but it isn’t something that’s unbearable. Overall, I have a fun time using this product a few times a week and its done a great job helping to fade my blemishes.
The Discoloration Serum…
I'm not going to lie…initially I did not have high expectations for this product. However, it has done a great job at fading my blemishes overtime. I went from super dark blemishes to moderately dark blemishes in roughly 8 weeks! I also had a moderately dark blemish pop up within those 8 weeks and this serum faded it pretty quickly – it's barely noticeable now. Another thing that I like about this serum is that it’s long lasting. I use a pretty generous amount on my face yet it still lasts a long time (I was able to stretch this bottle out for two months and the bottle isn’t even that big!).
To Be Continued…
As mentioned before, I’m slowly integrating each product into my existing skincare routine. So far, I think I’ve gotten the moisturizer, exfoliation treatment, and discoloration serum under control. Now I’m ready to give their brightening toner a try. Once I use it for about two months, I will update this post with my experience. So keep checking back in for updates or sign up for a free Style Society membership to get blog updates delivered straight to your email address. I can’t wait to share the details! See you soon!
Are You Thinking About Purchasing Good Molecules Products?
I’m sure that you’ve probably watched and read a few reviews on the Good Molecules products already. So my question for you is…are you finally ready to try them out for yourself and if so what product(s) are you excited about trying? Let me know in the comments.